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Artificial Life and the Universe
Posted By: Oeras, on host
Date: Sunday, April 1, 2001, at 21:01:29

Every once in awhile I get involved in Artificial Life. I get really interested in it, and I get to thinking about it.

There are many different Artificial Life programs, both professional and non-professional, on the web. Some are actual (well, artificial) creatures that move around and such. Some are called Cellular Automata, which is filled-in squares on a grid behaving in a certain way. Some are generic forms. But, they usually have to do with evolution.

Well, it is up to you whether you believe in Darwin's "Natural Selection" theory (see link), but, those programs seem pretty darn realistic to me. And that got me thinkin', WE could be one of those programs! Maybe the whole reason for our existance is a little simulation, and we are one of those little dots on a grid. Someone could be out there, observing us building our little (and not so little) houses, taking notes on all the hungry people, graphing our people/tree ratios, etc. Maybe noting on our violent nature, and a seemingly global effort (a couple of times!) to cover the planet with war.

Or, to put it on a larger scale, maybe all of EARTH is a dot on a grid. Maybe this observer sees several other dots, and is thinkin', "MAN, are these things EVER gonna move?!" (I hope he/she/it doesn't get to impatient and pull the plug!)

And finally, perhaps we are all part of some game. (i.e. The Sims) And some hardcore gamer is staying up night after night, watching his creation advance on and on. Perhaps intervening here and there.

Of course, this could mean that all those simulations have life-forms that are/think they are real, and THEY could be running simulations of life. Thus creating a never-ending thingamabob exending in both directions.

Well, I can't describe worth beans, so if anyone understands this, could you make it a bit clearer?

Oer"I shouldn't even try"as

Link: Simulated Evolution

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