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Re: Sharing thoughts.
Posted By: Andrea, on host
Date: Friday, March 23, 2001, at 06:34:38
In Reply To: Re: Sharing thoughts. posted by Sam on Thursday, March 22, 2001, at 15:01:16:

> You're right that sometimes post deletion is, at some point, a judgment call.

Frankly speaking, mine wasn't criticism at all; it was only a train of thoughts that started the evening before when I was speaking to a friend about similar issues related to a msg. board on the Milan University site.
From a personal point of view, I was also curious about who -and how- was going to reply to my message.

>And you're right that not everybody is going to agree with me

I think that's not bad at all: disagreement leads to discussion; discussion leads to a free exchange in the marketplace of ideas, that's the natural consequence to the freedom of speech and expression.

> But I don't really think it needs to be as involved as that.

You're right. Apart from my phylosophycal point of view, it's quite clear to me that your msg. deletions aren't an attack to some people or to their ideas; my discomfort mostly comes from my (quite strong) feelings and opinions about freedom of expression. Speaking frankly again, those deletions always give me an idea of some sort of censorship (of course, this doesn't apply to posts that may be a clear and present danger or offence to someone) acting behind us - but this is only my feeling, not a criticism.

As you can see, we're again in the pool of the free marketplace of ideas, exchanging our valuable opinions.
If you want to get further details about my opinions, you've my own e-mail address - feel free to use it.

> "interesting."

Do you think that "interesting" is always subjective or there are issues that may be "interesting" to everyone?

At any rate, that's why my participation here is limited: using a bit of common sense, it's easy for me to know what can be interesting for everyone here and what's not, what's appropriate for the age groups in the forum and what's not.
Some of my preferred issues are simply too technical (or are you all fans of ATL & COM programming?); some others are simply too far away from the general conversation; some others again (expecially when it comes to religion, politics and my personal opinions) may be the good sparkles for a flame war.
The most of the times, I find that trying to express my ideas in a way that's not disturbing or miseducating for the youngest people here it's simply too much effort, so I decide to keep my tongue.

> Obviously it's all subjective at some point,

Obviously, I agree.

Welcome back home,

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