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Re: Sharing thoughts.
Posted By: Sam, on host
Date: Thursday, March 22, 2001, at 15:01:16
In Reply To: Sharing thoughts. posted by on Monday, March 12, 2001, at 10:50:43:

You're right that sometimes post deletion is, at some point, a judgment call. I've admitted so in the past, although I'm not positive where. And you're right that not everybody is going to agree with me, least likely of all the originators of the posts I delete.

But I don't really think it needs to be as involved as that. For one thing, most of the posts I delete are pretty clear -- in my "rampant post deletions" post I listed a number of things I wish people would stop doing, and that accounts for 95% of the deletions. Among the remaining 5% are judgment calls I have to make between whether a post is a flame or merely a vehement contrary opinion; whether something is actually of enduring interest or a banal whim of the moment. If all I had to contend with was that 5%, no problem. I'd make those judgment calls based on what a reasonable number of people would find worthwhile conversation, and live with the decision, right or wrong.

What's frustrating is the 95% which are more clear cut. Even in clear cut cases, of course, maybe there is someone that would find the posts "interesting." That doesn't really concern me. I'm not after a forum that caters to one or two individuals at the expense of the patience of the rest of the readers here. What I want is a forum that, when newbies go back and read, will look substantial: whether we're being serious or humorous, grave or trifling, I want this forum to be something that will hold people's attention.

Obviously it's all subjective at some point, but I really don't think it's as complicated as all that.

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