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Re: Regularhood
Posted By: Brunnen-G, on host
Date: Thursday, March 22, 2001, at 21:37:56
In Reply To: Re: Regularhood posted by Luba Luft on Thursday, March 22, 2001, at 20:45:42:

> > Maybe. I hope so. My impression so far has been that the regulars are a close-knit group, and seem to take little notice of new people, especially in Rinkchat. Maybe I'm wrong, and hey, I know I'm not the most screamingly interesting person around. Eh. I still like the forum, and I've been coming to Rinkworks for almost two years, so I'm not ragging on it.
> But then, the forum hasn't been as friendly as it usually is, what with the "useless post" threads and that goofy "people I hate" thread.
> Just my observations, as a newcomer. Please don't think I'm attacking any of you.

You're right about the forum, but that's only because of Sam's absence during the last two weeks. Usually, his Iron Fist of Deletion ensures that the forum is a *very* friendly and interesting place, and I for one was *amazed* at the difference while he took time off. I'm sure we all appreciate what he does for us a lot more, now that we've seen the alternative.

As for Rinkchat, I can understand how it would seem a little exclusive to a newbie. To give you some perspective:

When Rinkchat first opened, it was a very different place. There were a *lot* less people. For those of us who got used to it in those Days of Old (as much as, wow, a year ago), Rinkchat meant one room, the same seven or eight people every time you logged in, and they'd all be having one conversation. Today's Rinkchat does tend to be a bit overpowering sometimes, and that encourages us to stick with our old friends in self-defense. Even with the multiple rooms, which Sam designed to keep things sane, there are usually at least three different conversations going on in each one, as well as a lot of random noise. If we don't pay as much attention to the newer people, it's usually because the sheer number of people and conversations going on stops us from *noticing* them. It's not deliberate, it's just a drawback of the increased traffic to this site.

But while I agree it's a close-knit community, it's not an exclusive one. We don't have any little secret in-groups going. I can tell you right now that *anybody* who comes into chat regularly and conducts themselves according to the usual rules of polite conversation* will find themselves warmly welcomed.

*And uses semi-correct spelling, punctuation and capitalisation at least 75% of the time. That's the biggie. It's a Rinkworks thing and I doubt it'll change any time soon.

Brunnen-"hard to believe it's changed so much in only a year and a half"G

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