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Re: Regularhood
Posted By: Luba Luft, on host
Date: Thursday, March 22, 2001, at 20:45:42
In Reply To: Regularhood posted by Sam on Thursday, March 22, 2001, at 20:22:08:

>We're a pretty welcoming and accommodating crowd, as the testimonies of nearly every regular participant here indicates.

Maybe. I hope so. My impression so far has been that the regulars are a close-knit group, and seem to take little notice of new people, especially in Rinkchat. Maybe I'm wrong, and hey, I know I'm not the most screamingly interesting person around. Eh. I still like the forum, and I've been coming to Rinkworks for almost two years, so I'm not ragging on it.

But then, the forum hasn't been as friendly as it usually is, what with the "useless post" threads and that goofy "people I hate" thread.

Just my observations, as a newcomer. Please don't think I'm attacking any of you.

---Luba "have any of you read Philip K. Dick? Or does my name just sound dumb?" Luft

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