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Re: Ah, Journalism
Posted By: Kiki, on host
Date: Tuesday, March 20, 2001, at 11:24:58
In Reply To: Ah, Journalism posted by Ferrick on Tuesday, March 20, 2001, at 06:55:49:

We get 4 pages of comics daily, which is pretty nice, cause we get a lot of good ones.... I read everything, back to front, except for the stupid Soap Opera ones, and the 5 I save for last, being...

For Better or Worse
Baby Blues
Liberty Meadows

All five of those are consistently amusing, or at least interesting. As I've lived a lot of my life in inner city DC, in a rather cross-cultural environment, Boondocks often strikes somewhat deeper chords than just amusement.

Zits is the best thing around since Calvin & Hobbes, as far as I'm concerned. Somehow, the guys who write the strip do an amazing job of actually grasping a teenagers life.... it never condescends to us. My best friend and I have laughed countless times at how similar our relationship is to Jeremy and Sara's.

The absolute worst comic - and I hope most of you haven't been subjected to it - is Baldo. It's trying very hard to be zits - except Hispanic! Anyway, Blado, the Jeremy character, is an absolute insult to teenagers. He doesn't know a single thing about anything that's not "pop culture". He doesn't CARE about anything that's not "pop culture". He's a stereotype through-and-through. The only funny one I've seen was one Sunday strip, in which he managed to make a hoop in basketball - but using soccer skills. The only reason that was funny was because my aforementioned best friend is a through and through soccer player - even on a basketball court.

Anyway, that's my rant... and I RULE SIX Nyperold about the Frank & Ernest contest!!!


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