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Re: Ah, Journalism
Posted By: Kiki, on host
Date: Tuesday, March 20, 2001, at 11:49:33
In Reply To: Re: Ah, Journalism posted by Ferrick on Tuesday, March 20, 2001, at 11:42:16:

> > We get 4 pages of comics daily, which is pretty nice, cause we get a lot of good ones.... I read everything, back to front, except for the stupid Soap Opera ones, and the 5 I save for last, being...

The Washington Post. If you don't get it, you don't get it.
> > For Better or Worse
> > Baby Blues
> > Boondocks
> > Liberty Meadows
> > Zits
> I like that list. Liberty Meadows originated at the University of Maryland so it is close to home for you.

Did it really? Hmm.... you know, once while at the University of Maryland bookstore, I read some of one of the original Liberty Meadows books. Frank was originally a duck. There was a lot of sex and beer in it. It was weird.
> >
> > Zits is the best thing around since Calvin & Hobbes, as far as I'm concerned. Somehow, the guys who write the strip do an amazing job of actually grasping a teenagers life.... it never condescends to us. My best friend and I have laughed countless times at how similar our relationship is to Jeremy and Sara's.
> I think I know why you like Zits and Baby Blues...They have the same writer, Jerry Scott, but different artists.

You know, I did know that. Just forgot... well, it shows. I guess one of the reasons I like Baby Blues so much is the 2-year-old brother I mentioned in a prior post....
> > The absolute worst comic - and I hope most of you haven't been subjected to it - is Baldo. It's trying very hard to be zits - except Hispanic! Anyway, Blado, the Jeremy character, is an absolute insult to teenagers. He doesn't know a single thing about anything that's not "pop culture". He doesn't CARE about anything that's not "pop culture". He's a stereotype through-and-through. The only funny one I've seen was one Sunday strip, in which he managed to make a hoop in basketball - but using soccer skills. The only reason that was funny was because my aforementioned best friend is a through and through soccer player - even on a basketball court.
> >
> Baldo was one of the strips up for consideration here but it didn't fare too well. I wasn't very impressed by it, either.

GOOD! It's awful awful crap! And you know what they ?DID to put it IN???? They moved Dilbert to the BUSINESS section of the paper!!! I forgot to read it for a while... but my dad has started putting it right at my place in the morning. Good ol' Daddy =)

Ki"how COULD they??"ki

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