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Re: Survey questions as revised by Faux Pas
Posted By: Issachar, on host
Date: Monday, March 12, 2001, at 08:33:18
In Reply To: Re: Survey for school(Please try it! Pretty please!) posted by Faux Pas on Saturday, March 10, 2001, at 21:52:17:

> For less-tainted results, your questions should have looked like this:
> 1)Have you ever used Napster or any other service that allows you to download music or music files without paying for said files? (If no, skip question #2)


> 2)If so, how often do you use it?
> a)How many songs do you download daily?
> b)Do you prefer buying CD's or downloading them for free?.
> c)Have you ever bought a music CD?

I've used it once, to look for a Gordon Lightfoot song on an album I already own on CD (the only conditions under which I'd use Napster anyway). When I didn't find the song, and wasn't happy with the usability of the Napster interface, I uninstalled the software.

> 3)How old are you?


> 4)Do you think Napster and sites like it should be shut down?


> 5)Do you think sites or programs that allow one to trade music files cause the sales of CD's to go down?


> 6)Do you think banning sites like Napster goes against First Amendment rights?


> 7)Do you think that making Napster charge fees that are paid to the copyright holders is an acceptable solution to the copyright problem?


> 8)Do you think the copyright holder of a music piece that is traded on a program like Napster has the right to sue a program like Napster?


> 9)Do you think Napster has the right to allow users to trade music and music files, as long as it gets permission from the artists and polices its site to prevent piracy?


> 10)Do you think that Napster should be able to distribute music and music files if it adopted other measures to prevent copyright infringement than those mentioned in question #9? a)If so what measures?

Not without the permission of the copyright holder.

I'd like to see a complementary survey that dealt with the issue of how the Internet *should* be exploited as a distribution channel for music. Suggested questions:
* How might payments be arranged?
* At what price point per song would people be willing to buy music online versus on CD in retail stores?
* What technology needs to be developed to make the Internet viable as a LEGAL music distribution channel?
* Would the giant record labels have to adopt the new medium of distribution in order to survive?
* How might they do so?

Iss "office software piracy would be another good survey topic" achar