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Re: Survey for school(Please try it! Pretty please!)
Posted By: Faux Pas, on host
Date: Saturday, March 10, 2001, at 21:52:17
In Reply To: Survey for school(Please try it! Pretty please!) posted by Melanie on Saturday, March 10, 2001, at 10:47:15:

Some of the questions do need elaboration.

> 1)Have you ever used Napster or any other free music downloading site?(If no, skip question #2)


> 2)If so how often do you use it? a)How many songs do you download daily? b)Do you prefer buying CD's or downloading them for free?. c)Have you ever bought a music CD?

> 3)How old are you?


> 4)Do you think Napster and sites like it should be shut down?

Sites that facilitate the piracy of copyrighted music? Yes.

> 5)Do you think free music sites cause the sales of CD's to go down?

Free music sites, no. Sites that facilitate piracy of copyrighted material? Yes.

> 6)Do you think banning sites like Napster goes against First Ammendment rights?


> 7)Do you think that making Napster charge fees is an acceptable solution to the copyright problem?

Not unless the fees go towards paying the copyright holders.

> 8)Do you think artists have the right to sue companies which give away their music?

If they are the copyright holders, yes. If the publishing company holds the copyright, then the publishing company should be the one instigating the legal battle.

> 9)Do you think Napster has the right to publish free music, as long as it gets permission from the artists and polices it's site to prevent pirates?


> 10)Do you think that Napster should be able to publish free music if it adopted other measures to prevent copyright infringement than those mentioned in question #9? a)If so what measures?

No. It would need the copyright holder's permission.

> Thanks to anyone who does this for me. I plan to print the survey and try it at my school, but I can't get a very varied age group that way. Hopefully I will get a better impression from this... If anyone answers it. Well, I hope so.

Your questions introduces bias into the response -- There is a difference between "free music" and "giving away music for free". Napster is not a free music site/program, it is a program that allows the transfer of music files without paying for them.

For less-tainted results, your questions should have looked like this:

1)Have you ever used Napster or any other service that allows you to download music or music files without paying for said files? (If no, skip question #2)

2)If so, how often do you use it?
a)How many songs do you download daily?
b)Do you prefer buying CD's or downloading them for free?.
c)Have you ever bought a music CD?

3)How old are you?

4)Do you think Napster and sites like it should be shut down?

5)Do you think sites or programs that allow one to trade music files cause the sales of CD's to go down?

6)Do you think banning sites like Napster goes against First Ammendment rights?

7)Do you think that making Napster charge fees that are paid to the copyright holders is an acceptable solution to the copyright problem?

8)Do you think the copyright holder of a music piece that is traded on a program like Napster has the right to sue a program like Napster?

9)Do you think Napster has the right to allow users to trade music and music files, as long as it gets permission from the artists and polices it's site to prevent piracy?

10)Do you think that Napster should be able to distribute music and music files if it adopted other measures to prevent copyright infringement than those mentioned in question #9? a)If so what measures?

You seem to be under the impression that Napster publishes free music. What Napster does is allow for people to trade music files without paying a royalty to the copyright holder.

A free music site would be something like, where music files are placed on a server that are available to be downloaded without cost to the end user. This music is never intended to generate revenue.

The music files traded via Napster were.

> Mel"Speech is hard!"anie

-Faux "wonders why someone would favor piracy" Pas

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