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Re: Writing (Tangent)
Posted By: Trunks, on host
Date: Tuesday, February 20, 2001, at 15:54:50
In Reply To: Re: Writing (Tangent) posted by Sam on Monday, February 19, 2001, at 17:37:19:

> I don't think I could disagree more. "Padding" is a bad bad bad bad idea. Every single word you write should have a purpose in the broad scope of things. That this is done does not mean it's a good idea. I find it very annoying when authors meander into irrelevant subplots. Every character and every subplot should have a definitive purpose in the grand scheme of things, and if it doesn't have any better purpose than to stretch the story, out it should go.

You do have a point, but you'll have to excuse me...I tend to think in terms of long series/novels as opposed to short stories. It's just habit. The longer a work you're aiming to write, the more you have to pad it to make sure it's going to stretch out...


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