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Re: notes from the commute and compulsive behavior
Posted By: Fobulis, on host
Date: Wednesday, February 14, 2001, at 11:54:06
In Reply To: notes from the commute and compulsive behavior posted by Faux Pas on Wednesday, February 14, 2001, at 05:54:08:

> Then I thought that clear backpacks are probably for people like me. Sometimes, when I'm carrying something in my bag, I'll panic because I don't know if it's still there. I can't see the sweater I put in there earlier today and I'm pretty sure I've put it in there as a matter of fact I know it's in there but what if it's not and is sitting in that bag by my desk back at work? That's what goes through my head. I just have to check and see if it still exists. It's like I'm playing peek-a-boo and I'm the infant. I can't see the sweater any more -- it must be gone! Oh, there it is. Oh no, it's gone again! Ah, there it is.
> I'm not certain if it's just me being forgetful, or perhaps there's an old memory rattling around my head of me forgetting Something Important that makes me want to recheck, or if it's just some sort of obsessive-compulsive behavior thing I've picked up along the way.
> -Faux "I wonder if Schrodinger went through this with his cat?" Pas

What really gets me is when I check to see if it's still there... and it isn't. I rummage frantically through my purse and can't find it even though I'm *sure* it's there. The next time I look, it reappears. Quantum weirdness involved here, I'm sure. I've gotten used to putting my keys in the same pocket of my bag every time and attaching fifty keychains to them (one of which is a fully functional magnetic miniature Scrabble board), because this has happened far too often.

Then, of course, I might have just taken the item out and have it in my hand while I'm looking...

As for the clear backpacks.... 1. I don't want anyone seeing my stuff, no matter how benign. 2. I'd probably put so much stuff into the bag that I couldn't see what I was looking for behind everything else anyhow. Though it might be cool to put marbles at the bottom or something, like in a fishtank.

-Fob"and blue Easter grass, too, and some Pepperidge Farm goldfish... hmm..."ulis

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