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Re: Senseless Insanity OR Journalism
Posted By: Ellmyruh, on host
Date: Wednesday, January 31, 2001, at 08:25:31
In Reply To: Senseless Insanity OR Journalism, Tomorrow's the Day, Internship posted by Den-Kara on Tuesday, January 30, 2001, at 16:21:01:

> This one guy wanted to write an article about how the school won't let us use the A:\ drives...I said, "No, that's really stupid and no one will read it."

Question: Why won't people read it? Is it because they already know why the school doesn't allow this, or is it because you think they'll find it boring? In the former case, this might not be true. I'm sure there are quite a few students that only know the rule, not the reasons behind it. In the latter case, it might bore some students, but not all of them.

> But this is the best part...everyone has written about FFA, FBLA, band, choir, and the like. I'm gonna write about JOURNALISM! See, it bothers me when people glance at the paper, then throw it away. Sure, peanut butter articles are stupid, but the WHOLE thing is not bad. So I'm going to write about Journalism class...what goes into creating the paper...the insanity behind the scenes...and what makes a paper like ours so full of queso.

A word of advice: Try not to make it sound like you're promoting the newspaper. Yes, it seems only fair that the Journalism class should have its turn to be in the paper, but be careful not to brag about the class. Don't write something that will allow people to say, "Oh, well, what would you expect? The Journalism class wrote this." I don't mean to be negative: Just write accurately and truthfully.

> ~Den-"wanted to see Earthsuit in concert, but it's probably too late now"Kara

Ell"Wait until you get paid to do the Journalism stuff...more work, but still an amazing experience"myruh

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