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Senseless Insanity OR Journalism, Tomorrow's the Day, Internship
Posted By: Den-Kara, on host
Date: Tuesday, January 30, 2001, at 16:21:01

Today my co-editor was gone, so the Journalism advisor let ME (yes, ME!) assign things to everyone in the class. IT WAS ALL ME! WAHOO! Seriously, it's not as bad as many of you may think. girl's gonna take a tour of a jail and write an article about what really goes on there. Then I said she should tie that into a warning for "bad" kids who are full of hate and spite and greed...heh.

This one guy wanted to write an article about how the school won't let us use the A:\ drives...I said, "No, that's really stupid and no one will read it." Then I told him to write about the Academic All-Stars, which is really stupid and no one will read it. (AHEM...I'm an Academic All-Star...again. 3.85...cumulative 3.919...AHEM. Not that I'm bragging or anything...*COUGH*)

Dude #2 is gonna write, I think, about advances in was the Journalism teacher's idea, but hey...I APPROVED it! YEEHA and bring out the barrels of fun.

There's going to be another page of entertainment page on the back of the paper full of, and I quote exactly from what I said, "great, festive, colorful, wonderful, splendid, spifferific, stooge-y, cheesey...This will include comics, stupid games, and hairballs." YAY! GOOD TIDINGS TO US ALL!

But this is the best part...everyone has written about FFA, FBLA, band, choir, and the like. I'm gonna write about JOURNALISM! See, it bothers me when people glance at the paper, then throw it away. Sure, peanut butter articles are stupid, but the WHOLE thing is not bad. So I'm going to write about Journalism class...what goes into creating the paper...the insanity behind the scenes...and what makes a paper like ours so full of queso.

My internship...hasn't started yet. However, the English teacher I'm interning with talked to me for 45 minutes today. YAY! I couldn't get a word in diagonal-ways, but he seemed thrilled about the fact that I'll be in the class. He said I can teach the class whenever I can come up with a lesson plan! YAY! He told me that his favorite part about teaching is getting to know his students as people and being their friend and, at times, even witnessing to them. He is AWESOME. He's obsessed with SPAM, but hey...if I can like cheese, then he can collect SPAM in a ham can with a flamboyant jargon-filled sardine can...don't ask...

Oh, right...tomorrow I'm taking my driver's permit test thing finally! I'm almost 17 and a half, so I'm a little behind, but I'm dad's quite thrilled as well. Yeeha.

My mom just came back from the library with "How to Play Popular Piano in 10 Easy Lessons" for me. WAHOO! See, I'm teaching myself to play the piano, and the book I had before this one was REALLY confusing. This one looks much simpler. The other, entitled "You Can Teach Yourself Piano" had a bunch of melody/harmony/whatever it's called stuff...where your right and left hand play different notes at the same time...very confusing. This one doesn't have melodies/harmonies/whatever it's called stuff. Yay and zippity doo da day.

I just remembered that I haven't been checking for Delirious? concert tix in awhile. *goes to check them now* Thursday, April 12 in Salem...hmm...*checking prices*

ARRRRGH!!!! $16.50?! Oh, wait...never mind. That's not bad. When I went to the A Tour last year (Anointed, Avalon, and Nichole Nordemon) it was $18.00. Never mind...

Anywho...that's my insane babbling for the month. Take care and remember: NESW=never eat shredded wood.

~Den-"wanted to see Earthsuit in concert, but it's probably too late now"Kara

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