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Re: The two me's.
Posted By: Quartz, on host
Date: Wednesday, January 31, 2001, at 06:52:16
In Reply To: The two me's. posted by Sundragyn on Tuesday, January 30, 2001, at 16:51:00:

> I'm gonna go insane one of these days. (Some of you people who talk to me in RinkChat may suspect that day was long, long ago.)
> I feel like there's two of me, battling for control over my body in a constant, senseless battle. Man, I've even named the two me's. (Should it be "mes"? But that looks stupid and it makes me think of Jar Jar Binks. Hum.)
> See, there's Normal Me. Normal Me is quiet, reserved, sociapathic, socially phobic, and a preferred loner. Normal Me is generally ignored by people who aren't my friends, because Normal Me puts up a shield that keeps everyone out except the few people who can look past that and see that under her shell Normal Me isn't really all that bad.
> Then, there's Evil Me. Evil Me is psycho, off-the-wall, chronically hyper, weird, loud, obsessed with death, and prone to fits of general oddness. Evil Me loves to laugh insanely. Evil Me often scares people without meaning to. Evil Me refuses to reveal herself except to a few people, a few close, trusted friends and family. Most people accept Evil Me as weird but nice, but even her friends get freaked out from time to time at the things she says and does.
> Evil Me and Normal Me are so different that the battle between them is slowly driving me insane. I think. Hum. Heck, they even have different sets of friends, for the most part. Sometimes they both retreat with a sort of, "I'm tired, you take the body" attitude and then I go hide in my room while still being terribly lonely. Bleah. Sometimes they both fight for control at once and a perfectly normal conversation, influenced gently by Evil Me, will go in an odd direction... It's annoying, really. Well, weird.
> Oh well.
> Sun"At least I'm never bored for long!"dragyn.

I so relate. You know the two halves of the brain thing, where the right half is all artistic and the other is all scientific? I have these two characters who appear in my stories, but yet they symbolize (sp?) the two halves of my personality I've named them too (but since they're actually characters in my stories, that's okay). One of them is named...QUARTZ (huzzah huzzah), and that's where I got my nick for the internet, and the other is named Twyla (who used to be a Star Wars character in some REALLY dumb fan fiction of mine, but I got rid of it and put the character in something else).

Quartz is the kooky yet lovable, romantic one who loves watching classic movies and art of ANY kind. She's the one responible (sp?) for me getting into all these creative projects. I only have so much time, ya know! She also likes chocolate, so she accounts for my getting overweight every once in a while.

Twyla is the cocky, cynical, slightly obnoxious, yet strangely likable one. She likes movies with lots of action and doesn't mind seeing a little gore. She, no kidding, is into science. Again, I only have so much time, but Quartz and Twyla don't seem to understand that. Twyla is the pencil-thin part of me that is disgusted at the sight of sweets.

Oh, yeah. And they bicker a lot. Which drives me crazy (but still, it gives me something to write about in my journal). I don't think either of them likes my body very much.

I know that's weird, but hey, it's just me. I guess I like Quartz better, since I use her name on the internet. I thought of Twyla first, and she's a little jealous.

Quartz (and Twyla, whatever)

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