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Re: Another Poem
Posted By: Kiki, on host
Date: Tuesday, January 30, 2001, at 19:05:39
In Reply To: Re: Another Poem posted by Issachar on Tuesday, January 30, 2001, at 18:52:23:

> > Silver shards
> > Broken dreams
> > Glitter on the
> > Horizon
> > Left behind
> > Their siren's song
> > Calling still.
> > In my rose garden
> > Besieged by colors
> > Heady musk
> > The fear of thorns
> > Has yet to fade
> > Hands remain still
> > Waiting for the rose
> > Perfect enough to risk
> > The pain.
> To me, this reads like two poems -- the first ending with "Calling still" and the second beginning with "In my rose garden". Each section evokes a different feeling for me, and I have a little trouble making sense of them together. That's not to say that they *don't* make sense together; only that I find it hard not to read them separately.

Yeah, I can totally see that too. I guess the thing about this series of poems that are currently spewing from me is that they're a very extended metaphor that is letting me deal with some very complicated emotions about some stuff I've been dealing with recently (a third poem, concerning the start of the original glass room, is boiling away in my brain) and those two halves of the poem are two very distinct facets of what I'm feeling right now - so I can't separate them within myself, although they are very different. I know I was kinda vague in that.... sorry. Would take a long time to explain.
> An unrelated observation: Personal associations with particular phrases can really get in the way of enjoying a poem on its own merits, I guess. I can't read the words "siren's song" in that poem without thinking of "Siren Song", by Jason Harrod, one of my favorite musical artists. Then again, at other times I don't think of it as "getting in the way" of the poem so much as gaining an extra layer of personal meaning from the poem, unintended by the author. I like to know what an author "meant" by such and such a choice of words, but failing that, finding that a phrase has a significance peculiar to oneself is also a real pleasure.
> Iss "Like a fool I've missed the voices tickling my ear / The siren song sounds so sweet and clear ... I'm out of here" achar

Wow... now I need to go look up that song on Napster. That's rather what I meant.

Ki"now THAT is the kind of response I really like"ki

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