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Re: Another Poem
Posted By: Kiki, on host
Date: Tuesday, January 30, 2001, at 20:22:26
In Reply To: Re: Another Poem posted by Issachar on Tuesday, January 30, 2001, at 20:20:08:

> > > > An unrelated observation: Personal associations with particular phrases can really get in the way of enjoying a poem on its own merits, I guess. I can't read the words "siren's song" in that poem without thinking of "Siren Song", by Jason Harrod, one of my favorite musical artists. Then again, at other times I don't think of it as "getting in the way" of the poem so much as gaining an extra layer of personal meaning from the poem, unintended by the author. I like to know what an author "meant" by such and such a choice of words, but failing that, finding that a phrase has a significance peculiar to oneself is also a real pleasure.
> > > >
> > > > Iss "Like a fool I've missed the voices tickling my ear / The siren song sounds so sweet and clear ... I'm out of here" achar
> > >
> > > Wow... now I need to go look up that song on Napster. That's rather what I meant.
> > >
> > > Ki"now THAT is the kind of response I really like"ki
> >
> > Wow. An artist for whom no music can be found on Napster. I am impressed.
> >
> > Ki"wow"ki
> I'd be surprised if you could find Mr. Harrod on Napster. He's not well known. For several years he was one-half of Harrod & Funck, who gained a reputation around Boston and some other venues for excellent folk/pop music. I'm the proud owner of all three of their CDs, and Jason Harrod's first solo CD since the duo split up (amicably) a couple of years ago.
> Ironically, the one song sample from Harrod's solo album that is available online is -- you guessed it -- Siren Song. The link below will take you there.
> Iss "oh, and both Jason Harrod and Brian Funck are Christian artists -- forgot to mention that" achar

Already found it, Issaliss!!

Ki"still need to listen to it a few more times so i can get the words in order"ki