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Re: Down with Repression!
Posted By: Speedball, on host
Date: Friday, January 26, 2001, at 17:17:09
In Reply To: Re: Down with Repression! posted by Don the Monkeyman on Friday, January 26, 2001, at 15:12:04:

> > > For starters, I can't believe you would take such a stance. Dr Pepper has been the downtrodden drink for so long, repressed by such 'big names' as Coke and Pepsi! These big soft drink tyrants have kept Dr Pepper drinkers quiet for too long! I say "Up with Dr Pepper! Down with the repression of the masses by the vast Coke Conspiracy!"
> >
> > Ticia, I'm afraid you have completely and utterly missed my point entirely. Not only that, but you have misrepresented my position and portrayed me, ME, as a soda bigot! I have absolutely no idea how you managed to infer any of the things you just said from my previous post.
> >
> > I am NOT for repression of ANY variety of pop. I agree 100 percent with your assertion that "freedom to drink Dr Pepper is a basic right given to us." But unlike you, I take this to the logical next step and apply it to ALL soft drinks. Our right to drink pop should be all-inclusive, not limited to one narrow point of view.
> >
> > THAT, my dear Ticia, is tyranny.
> >
> > Grishny
> >
> > P.S. Just so you know, I DO drink Dr. Pepper from time to time. But I am not enslaved to merely ONE choice when it comes to what I drink.
> You BOTH have it wrong. The oppression of one brand of soft drink by another is a non-issue. Soft drinks of ALL types are evil and need to be removed from our culture before they harm our children further. The cavities, hyper-activity, and stomach damage are not limited to children, either-- These symptoms of soft drink consumption can appear in adults as well.
> I move that we swiftly and firmly eliminate all traces of soft drinks and their makers from our nations. Only quick, decisive action can spare future generations from sugary doom.
> Don "Did I just become public enemy number three?" Monkey

Suddenly Speedball bursts through the door, leading an army of Ninjas weilding shaken cans of Barq's (Barq's has Bite!) Root Beer. After over coming Monkeyman's pathetic deffenses (Your superior intellect is no match for my puny weapons!!!) Speedball force funnels 24 cans of Barq's Root Beer down Monkeyman's throught. Enough to addicet even the most hardend anti-soda fanatic.

Speed'do no underestimate the power of Caffinated Side'ball

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