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Re: Down with Repression!
Posted By: dingdong, on host
Date: Friday, January 26, 2001, at 19:18:16
In Reply To: Re: Down with Repression! posted by Ayako on Friday, January 26, 2001, at 19:06:26:

> > Suddenly Speedball bursts through the door, leading an army of Ninjas weilding shaken cans of Barq's (Barq's has Bite!) Root Beer. After over coming Monkeyman's pathetic deffenses (Your superior intellect is no match for my puny weapons!!!) Speedball force funnels 24 cans of Barq's Root Beer down Monkeyman's throught. Enough to addicet even the most hardend anti-soda fanatic.
> >
> > Speed'do no underestimate the power of Caffinated Side'ball
> Are you insane? Barq's is the one kind of root beer I DON'T like. Blech! (Besides the generic brand, that is.)
> Aya"For the record: Dr Pepper -- ewwww; Coke/Pepsi -- whichever I'm in the mood for; most root beer -- ruling; orange cream soda -- best fizzly drink in existence ever. Possibly best *drink* ever."ko

You know, I'm curious. All of this toing and froing about soft drinks, and I have one question. What is root beer?

ding"I've heard of it but that's as far as it goes"dong

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