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Re: I just thought of something (I do that sometimes).
Posted By: Dave, on host
Date: Sunday, January 21, 2001, at 23:44:00
In Reply To: I just thought of something (I do that sometimes). posted by Quartz on Sunday, January 21, 2001, at 05:43:47:

I'm the type of guy who thinks about having super powers a lot. Of course, when I think about *me* having super powers, I don't think about limits--I'm pretty much omnipotent.

But when you think about "superheros" (both the traditional 4-color variety and the more "modern" variety) it's more fun to think about taking two or three powers and seeing what can amount from the clever use of them together.

For instance, one of my favorites is "rubber form" (a la Plastic Man) and "super speed". You can run REALLY FAST and smash into people and send them FLYING. Of course, Newton's Third Law says you'll go flying backwards too, but hey, you've got rubber form, you'll just bounce a few times and get up and dust yourself off. The other guy probably won't be so lucky.

Another good one with "super speed" is "teleportation". Grab someone and start running REALLY FAST towards a brick wall while pushing them, then teleport yourself to safety at the last instant while your foe smacks into the wall.

"Telekinesis" is a good one all by itself, but couple it with "make objects invisible" and you can do pretty much anything undetected. Think people would notice that bag of money floating out of the bank? Well, make it invisible first. Then, while they're scrambling around looking for the missing bag, you can float it outside to your car at your leisure.

But I guess if I had to choose *one* superpower for myself it'd be the one eric chose. Monkeying with time has *always* been a fantasy of mine, ever since I saw this silly TV show about a guy who had a magic stop watch that could "stop time" and alow him to move around and change things while time was stopped. Pretty much ever since I saw that show I've wanted to have that watch.

-- Dave

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