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Re: I just thought of something (I do that sometimes).
Posted By: Paul A., on host
Date: Monday, January 22, 2001, at 22:50:41
In Reply To: Re: I just thought of something (I do that sometimes). posted by Don the Monkeyman on Monday, January 22, 2001, at 00:07:17:

> Even just being able to pause time would be enough for me. I mean, I first talked about
> wanting teleportation, but really, what is that but moving between places while time is frozen?
> If I could just freeze time, that would solve the problem nicely.

For short distances, maybe.

But suppose you want to, say, teleport across the country to the hotel where the next RinkConvention is being held.

If you teleport, you're there in a flash, end of story.

But if you freeze time, you still have to *get* there. And since everything's frozen, you'll have to walk.
Sure, you won't miss the convention, but it won't be much fun for you.


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