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Re: Superpowers
Posted By: Speedball, on host
Date: Sunday, January 21, 2001, at 20:40:27
In Reply To: Superpowers posted by Faux Pas on Sunday, January 21, 2001, at 19:27:06:

> > Here's a little survey for you: What super powers would you like to have? Besides what I wrote above I want a body like Wonder Woman, LOL. Only my costume wouldn't be as skimpy. She must catch colds a lot.
> >
> > ~~*Q*~~
> At one time, I would have said the ability to fly. After reflection, I think if I could have only one power, I'd rather not have that one.
> Firstly, it's cold up there. Just a few feet off the ground, higher up than four stories, it can be bitterly cold on a day when it's just cool around ground level. Add to that there's nothing really blocking the wind that high up (unless you're in a downtown area), you're talking some serious wind chill.
> Secondly, a flying man or woman is rather noticable. You'd get in the papers and then there goes the personal life. It would be like being a movie star without making the twenty million per picture. No thanks.
> Thirdly, flight's okay, but what if you have to lug around groceries or a suitcase or something? Sure, you can get anywhere rather easily, but start carrying aroung boxes and you're picking up some rather hefty air drag. Plus, your arms will get tired after a while.
> Fourthly, who really only flies anymore? Look at DC Comics -- over half the people in the Justice League can fly. Heck, they give everyone in the Legion of Super-Heroes a flight ring. Everyone who can fly can also do something else: shoot lasers from your eyeballs, turn invisible, read minds. No, the only hero I can think of that flies and does nothing else is Hawkman. That might have been good for your comics back in 1937, but heroes today find flight rather passe.
> That's were telekinesis comes in. Running for the elevator? Hold the door open. Spilt your glass of milk? Catch the liquid before it can hit the new rug. Can't reach that burnt-out light bulb? Now you can -- without a stepladder.
> See? There's a million uses for telekinesis and, if used carefully, nobody will know that it's you workin' the magic. No pesky reporters showing up at your apartment, no freezing cold commutes, no more rejections from your local Board of Costumed Heroes because your power is too commonplace.
> So, if I had my choice of one, I'd like that one.
> -Faux "remote control? who needs a remote control? *click* " Pas

Not a bad choice, AND you can use it to life yourself, i.e. flight.

And because I'm obsesive compulsive about superheroes.

Flight only heroes-

Archangle of the X-Men (he used to have metal wing with projectile feather blades, but he got his natural feathered wings back)

Hawkgirl of the JSA

Hawkman of no team at the moment

(okay, so there arn't may flight only)

If I could have ONE power, hmmm, Extra Good Luck, things would just ALWAYS go my way. If I have to guess on a multiple choic test I get it right. If I'm not sure how to spell a word I'll still get it right. If I run a red light there will NEVER be cops around. And the lotto wouldn't be an idiot tax for me, it would be income. And so long as I don't abuse it no one would notice.

Speed'not lucky'ball

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