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Re: Superpowers
Posted By: Speedball, on host
Date: Monday, January 22, 2001, at 16:19:50
In Reply To: Re: Superpowers posted by Faux Pas on Monday, January 22, 2001, at 14:24:44:

> > If I could have ONE power, hmmm, Extra Good Luck, things would just ALWAYS go my way. If I have to guess on a multiple choic test I get it right. If I'm not sure how to spell a word I'll still get it right. If I run a red light there will NEVER be cops around. And the lotto wouldn't be an idiot tax for me, it would be income. And so long as I don't abuse it no one would notice.
> >
> > Speed'not lucky'ball
> Like Longshot? (Marvel Comics X-Men titles, circa 1984-86?)
> -Faux "I love comic book trivia." Pas

Yeah, and Domino of X-Force.
