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Re: My (husband's) adventure.
Posted By: Ticia, on host
Date: Thursday, January 11, 2001, at 06:36:53
In Reply To: My adventure. posted by Sundragyn on Wednesday, January 10, 2001, at 09:46:19:

Ok, I *have* to tell this story! My husband might kill me, though, so if I disappear inexplicably... (on a side note, the word inexplicably is intrinsically cool. So is the word intrinsically.) Anyway...

My husband was in the bathroom, taking out his contact lenses. He picked up his lens case, unscrewed the first lid, and started to panic! He thought he had lost his contact that morning. He started looking all around, in the sink, on the floor, (and ok, maybe I'm exagerating slightly) and everywhere he could think of. Then he thought "Maybe I accidently put it in the other side?" So he unscrews *that* lid....*gasp!!!!* No contact lens! At this point he really starts to panic until....he thinks "Wait a minute. Neither contact lens is there. I can see REALLY clearly. DOH!" He started laughing so hard he had to come and tell me the story, which got ME laughing so hard that my face hurt for about a week. I still get a chuckle thinking about that.

Ti'in his eyes the whole time.'cia

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