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Re: Yes (Lucid Dreams)
Posted By: Brunnen-G, on host
Date: Wednesday, January 10, 2001, at 19:42:11
In Reply To: Re: Yes (Lucid Dreams) posted by dingdong on Wednesday, January 10, 2001, at 19:07:25:

> >
> > The second worst nightmare I ever had, when I was a kid, was a "dream within a dream". I had been dreaming that a werewolf was after me. It was an awful, long-drawn-out scary chase dream. Anyway, at the most scary part, just as it was about to get me, I woke up with a jolt, all shakey and sweaty and gasping, to find myself safe in bed in my room. I lay there for the standard few minutes of "OH THANK GOD, IT WAS ONLY A BAD DREAM!!" relief, looking around at my nice familiar room and generally getting my heart rate back to normal.
> >
> > And then...right next to my ear, in the darkened room...I heard a low growl.
> >
> > And THEN I woke up for *real*.
> >
> > Brunnen-"and didn't want to go to sleep again for about three nights afterwards, as I recall"G
> No wonder you didn't want to sleep again. That dream is really scary! It freaked me out just reading about it, I would have hated being in it!
> ding"doesn't have nightmares, but has weird dreams instead"

I've only ever had two genuine nightmares. Both (the other one was MUCH worse) were way, way back when I was a little kid. It must be awful having dreams like that *regularly*.

It's too bad you can't record and replay your dreams. I wonder if seeing old nightmares again would be like renting movies which used to scare you and then turn out to be hilariously stupid when you watch them 15 years later.

Brunnen-"there's quite a few I'd like to rerun"G

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