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Re: Yes (Lucid Dreams)
Posted By: Melanie, on host
Date: Friday, January 12, 2001, at 20:51:25
In Reply To: Re: Yes (Lucid Dreams) posted by Dave on Wednesday, January 10, 2001, at 20:39:55:

> > It's too bad you can't record and replay your
> >dreams. I wonder if seeing old nightmares again
> >would be like renting movies which used to scare
> >you and then turn out to be hilariously stupid
> >when you watch them 15 years later.
> The nightmares *I* remember are hilariously stupid about ten minutes after I wake up and the fright goes away.
> The scariest dreams I used to have as a child were the ones where I dreamed I never existed. It was a recurring dream in which I'd be in my house, usually in my kitchen. I'd walk through a doorway, there would be this invisible line/barrier/delimeter or something, and suddenly I never existed. I can't explain it any better than that. It's not even remotely scary to me anymore, although I can remember a time when I used to be able to recall the terror of that dream while fully awake in the middle of the day.
> The most recent scary dream I can recall I had a year or so ago. I think this was the same dream that ended up being my famous "making a movie of my own dream" dream. It was the standard "being chased by the evil bad guy" dream, and it was scary the first time around. But then, the second time around (no, I don't often have the same dream twice in one night) was during the "movie making" phase, so it was more like "Ok, now run over here, tumble down the embankment, then get up and... NO NO! CUT! I said TUMBLE, not STUMBLE!"
> This was also the famous dream (well, famous to me and Sam) in which I had this awesome tracking shot of me walking down a long school-cafeteria style lunch line. It's one of the few really vivid visual moments I can remember from my dreams. The shot follows me walking past people waiting in line, past the people serving food, past several food displays, until I finally reach the end (or perhaps the beginning) of the line. Whereupon I pick up a doughnut and say "I'd like to exchange this doughnut for a bagel." While *having* the dream, I mentally cringed at that, and thought "Oh come ON! That's the best bit of dialogue I could come up with for this scene!? I set up that whole long awesome tracking shot and THAT is the payoff??"
> -- Dave

My nightmares are always really quick and stupid. They have to sneak up on me to scare me though, because after a minute or so of a nightmare I start having fun. Here's a few of my "nightmares"

1) I once had a dream that I was watching a slide show of bugs. Not anything icky, ladybugs, roaches, the less slimy little bugs which are almost cute if you don't have to get them out of your house. Then I heard a voice which said I was watching illegal footage and I felt suddenly as if someone has sent something horrible and slimy to kill me. Then I woke up. The whole dream took about 30 seconds in my mind, so it got to me.

2)I had a single thought in my head. It said, "You know to much about the invasion, we're coming to get you". I woke up and I couldn't move for about ten seconds. That was scary.

3)I had a dream that the window kept making a noise like someone was lifting the blind up and down. I kept thinking, "I don't have a blind" because I don't, so then I became sure it was some horrible monster coming to get me. The fear built up really bad in one second and then I woke up.

That's all the nightmares I remember. Like I said, I have too much fun with the longer ones.

Mel"I have lucid dream the fun way, where you change the world around so you can do whatever you want"anie