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Re: Yes
Posted By: Sam, on host
Date: Wednesday, January 10, 2001, at 13:36:16
In Reply To: Re: Yes posted by Dagmar on Wednesday, January 10, 2001, at 07:28:49:

I think I posted this the last time we had a dream thread, but since most of the people contributing to this one are different from the ones involved in that one, I'll repeat myself anyway.

One of my most interesting dreams was, on the surface, fairly banal. I had a discussion with Leen that went like this:

Me: "Do you like Cary Grant?"
Leen: "Yes."
Me: "You do??"
Leen: "Oh, I thought you said Amy Grant."

That exchange was the entire dream. What makes it interesting is that prior to this dream, I had NEVER BEFORE, not ONCE, EVER consciously noticed the similarity between the two names. Which is odd, since I'm a fan of both.

At any rate, what this implies is that I actually made a rational and truthful *realization* about the world *in* my dream. Two things came to mind, and at that time, I made a rational comparison and came to an interesting conclusion.

Dreams are not generally like that.