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Re: Dream Stories
Posted By: Grishny, on host
Date: Wednesday, January 10, 2001, at 08:35:19
In Reply To: Re: Dream Stories posted by Ellmyruh on Wednesday, January 10, 2001, at 07:46:48:

> I tend to get annoyed when that happens. I'm almost fully asleep when my whole body suddenly jerks. This isn't just a leg thing, the way Faux Pas and Grishny described. No, it's my whole body. It often happens when I'm having a flying or falling dream. I'm about to land when that twitch-jerk-spasm thing happens. It startles me awake, I get mildly irritated, and then I drift off to sleep again.
> Ell"Heavy sleeper 90% of the time"myruh

Maybe you should be thankful instead of getting annoyed. I heard once that if you "die" in your dream, you'll die for real. That twitch-jerk-spasm thing right before you smack the ground in your dream could be a safety mechanism that keeps you from dying IRL.

I don't know if that's true, but the person who told me that asked me if I could ever remember dying in a dream or nightmare, and I had to answer no. I *always* wake up before "dying." So maybe it's true. And who knows...maybe some people who die in their sleep dreamed that they died. We have no way of knowing.

Gri"the body cannot survive without the mind"shny

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