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Re: Dream Stories
Posted By: Nyperold, on host
Date: Friday, January 12, 2001, at 02:03:06
In Reply To: Re: Dream Stories posted by Wolfspirit on Friday, January 12, 2001, at 00:20:45:

> When I was little I used to have a recurring nightmare of a giant, two foot thick, brown chocolate 'monster' which would chase me all over the house and kill people by 'slurping' them. It would tower over everything, oozing and formless, like some crazy half-melted Hershey's bar. In my dream, it always raised itself up from a boiling chocolate puddle in the exact center of the golden spreadsheets covering my sister's bed. Whenever I saw the puddle forming, I knew the monster was not far behind. I would run for dear life down the stairs with the chocolate flowing like a demon at my heels -- I would stop only to frantically undog and unlock the deadbolt on the backyard side-door, so I could escape the house. Unfortunately, opening the door in the dream always took far too long, and the THING would touch me... and then I'd wake up in a sweat with my heart pounding.
> One day -- when I was awake -- I remember hearing someone use the curious phrase "Death by Chocolate." I didn't understand this, but the next time I had the nightmare it did have an immediate effect on my dream, in a very literal fashion. When I got to the point near the dream door where I usually got slurped to death, the thought distinctly crossed my mind, "I wonder what it's REALLY LIKE to die from chocolate?" And then when I turned around, the monster was gone. I never had that particular nightmare again.

Ah, I've heard of Death By Chocolate. It's the name of something you consume, and I guess it's extra-chocolatey. I've never seen one, though. The thought does kind of remind me of a Doctor Who episode. Perhaps Grishny already knows what episode I'm referring to.

> But I kind of miss the rush I *used* to get from chocolate. :-)
> Wolf "Curiouser and curiouser" spirit

Nyper"Happiness will prevail?"old

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