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Re: Dream Stories
Posted By: Den-Kara, on host
Date: Tuesday, January 9, 2001, at 15:51:05
In Reply To: Re: Dream Stories posted by gabby on Tuesday, January 9, 2001, at 13:18:32:

> The dreams have several common features that I've wondered how many other experience. The dreams portray "me," but it's a third person sort of me. Many of the other people aren't themselves either; I know in the dream who the person is, but it doesn't look anything like that person. Sometimes, the body belongs to someone else I know. Lastly, my dreams have musical scores for accompaniment, and sometimes I can even remember the tune when I wake up. I really ought to write them down.

My dreams are quite similar to what you've described, mi amigo favorito. Except whereas you describe seeing yourself as "a third person sort of me," my dreams are just...well, let me explain it this way. In my dreams, I can see myself, but I can also see through my own eyes. It's like...ARGH! Wait, how am I going to explain this? It's like I'm in two places at once...outside, watching myself, and inside, BEING myself. Or something. It's a very disillusioning (hoping that's a real word) feeling. And as for people I know appearing in my dreams, same thing you the dream, I know who they are, but they look like people I've never seen before. I've had dreams about people I know before, but in my dreams they could have electric yellow hair and tattoos...but while dreaming, I think it's completely normal. LOL. Heh, anyways. I haven't had a dream in a long time (that I remember, anyways), but I usually dream either about stuff I'd been thinking about before bed (not very surprising, since this happens to a lot of people), or else I dream about totally off-the-wall, frightening stuff, and I don't mean clowns. Anywho...yeah.

~Den-"has never been in Rink Chat"Kara

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