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Re: Dream Stories
Posted By: gabby, on host
Date: Tuesday, January 9, 2001, at 13:18:32
In Reply To: Re: Dream Journals--plus a spooky prophetic dream! posted by Sam on Tuesday, January 9, 2001, at 11:49:58:

> > I don't know if this is the same thing or not, but I often dream in words. I think it has something to do with the fact that when I make up stories, I think of the WORDS I would use to describe it, and not necessarily the pictures. I also think in words. Does this happen to anyone else? And is it the same thing as reading in a dream?
> The best dreams I have ever had are the ones that stem from the storytelling side of me. I don't dream them in words, even though I'm a very word-oriented person, but actually I'm simultaneously a very image-oriented person, so conclude what you will. At any rate, in such dreams, I am both the storyteller and the protagonist. I am IN the perilous situations protagonists of adventure stories are in, and I'm scared out of my mind. At the same time, I am the storyteller and have a degree of control over events that occur. "I" don't tend to introduce plot elements myself, but once I'm battling a badguy while holding onto the edge of a cliff with my hands, the storyteller part of me has a certain degree of control over how it all ensues. So there's a curious conflict of interest: I'm in a perilous situation, scared, and fighting to survive; I'm also actively TRYING to make as exciting a story as I can, and so letting things progress to the brink of disaster before allowing things to turn out right. It's a very strange blend of control and lack thereof.

The only dreams I remember are the ones that I wake up in the midst of, but they've always been story intensive. Of course, the stories don't make much sense when I think about them afterwards, but they sure seemed to during the dream. The dreams usually involve a fight, a battle, or some great event--A few nights ago it was the launching of a space shuttle--but the most incredibly irritating thing about the dreams is that I *always* wake up the instant before the climax of the story. It's always the same, a feeling of triumph or excitement and wonder, and then I'm back in my room. I nearly always try to fall back into the dream as quickly as possible so I don't miss anything (obviously, I'm not too awake at these times) but it doesn't work often.

The dreams have several common features that I've wondered how many other experience. The dreams portray "me," but it's a third person sort of me. Many of the other people aren't themselves either; I know in the dream who the person is, but it doesn't look anything like that person. Sometimes, the body belongs to someone else I know. Lastly, my dreams have musical scores for accompaniment, and sometimes I can even remember the tune when I wake up. I really ought to write them down.

gab"has had one dream of RinkChat"by

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