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The Matrix Has Me
Posted By: Grishny, on host
Date: Thursday, December 28, 2000, at 13:59:59

The Scotsman had been ragging on me for months to see The Matrix. Every time I reminded him that I hadn't seen it yet, he couldn't beleive it. Marvin's label in chat used to always be "there is no spork" and I had no idea what he was talking about. Whenever a conversation about "follow the white rabbit" popped up, I was in the dark.

So the other night when my MIL said she was going out to rent some movies and what would I like her to rent, The Matrix immediately popped into my mind.

So now, I have seen it (twice) in full pan 'n scan splendour. I'd really like to see the DVD letterbox version, but that's not really an option for me right now. Besides, after watching it through twice in a 24 hour period, I probably could stand to wait a few weeks, months, or even a year or two before watching it again.

Sam, I can see how Keanu Reeves could actually be successful in a movie like this. He didn't have to talk a lot, just run around looking dazed and confused most of the time. Even towards the end when he started to figure things out, he didn't do too badly. Although he did look pretty silly doing a kung fu "combat-ready stance" or whatever it's called.

I like it.

Gri"wonder if we'll see Hugo Weaving in anything else anytime soon?"shny

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