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Re: The Matrix Has Me
Posted By: Wolfspirit, on host
Date: Sunday, December 31, 2000, at 15:01:05
In Reply To: Re: The Matrix Has Me posted by Grishny on Sunday, December 31, 2000, at 09:13:38:

> > > One church near here used the movie to teach the youth group about the Bible. I think that's going a bit too far.
> >
> > Well, I see one similarity between the Bible and The Matrix. To me, Neo seemed like he was supposed to be a Christ-like figure. He was "the one" and he had been born to save the world and spread the truth to the people who were living in a world full of lies...I dunno, maybe I read too much into these things...
> >
> > ~Den-Kara
> My sister is a missions major at Moody Bible Institute in Chicago. I heard from her that Moody actually offered an entire class on "The Matrix." They watched the movie, and then studied it as an analogy of the Gospel.
> I just thought you might find that tidbit interesting. I agree with eric that they're taking it too far. I don't believe that using a Hollywood movie to teach Biblical truth is a wise or even right thing to do. Even movies based on Biblical stories generally seem to take "artistic license," often at the expense of truth and doctrine.
> Grishny

I don't think it is strictly a 'bad' idea to analyze modern story-mythos for their Christological content, and thus gauge how often 'real' Biblical concepts pop up in popular culture. But as you say, it certainly isn't a good idea to substitute dazzling eye-candy representations of spiritual truth for actual Bible study.

Frankly, what I find astonishing is that scripture teachers apparently find *enough* Bible material in The Matrix to create an entire course around it. What deep Christ-like symbolism did The Matrix ever cover, which other similar thematic movies -- like Dark City or BladeRunner, for example -- somehow 'missed'?

Wolf "but yeah, the Keanu pod-goo scene was the BESTEST PART!" spirit