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Re: A question for humanity
Posted By: Dagmar, on host
Date: Wednesday, December 27, 2000, at 22:36:49
In Reply To: Re: A question for humanity posted by Wolfspirit on Wednesday, December 27, 2000, at 20:29:29:

Dear Wolfspirit,

I admit that at twenty-two I am still ridiculously spoiled by my family. My eight-year-old sister is the same way, but for all of our selfishness we are both good as gold these days. When Grandpa calls out, we wordlessly acknowledge who can get to him quickest and take turns so as to give Gramma (and each other) a break. I'm so proud of her.

I'm equally surprised at myself, but I guess it makes sense in a way, with me being so spoiled and all. I know exactly how I'd want to be cared for in his situation: I'd need to feel absolutely loved with words and affectionate touches most of the day, and if I needed water or food or even to turn onto my other side I'd want it right away. Imagining that makes it easy for me to do the best I can for him.

I wasn't sure I'd have the strength for this, but so far...

Four knocks into the night,