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Re: A question for humanity
Posted By: Wolfspirit, on host
Date: Wednesday, December 27, 2000, at 20:29:29
In Reply To: A question for those who consider themselves human. posted by Dagmar on Wednesday, December 27, 2000, at 18:34:56:

> Tell me, because never have I felt the desire to hurt someone so carelessly, am I human? Or is it he who doesn't understand that in no way is he beyond what my Grandpa is suffering not two yards from where I sit right now...

Well... I think it this incident shows, in sharp relief, the difference between your compassion, and empathy for your Grandfather, which generally comes -- I hope -- with thoughtful maturity... versus the spiteful insecurity you described, which some people never outgrow. You don't say how old this particular guy in the store was, but he seems to delight in tearing others down in order to build himself up. I suppose even his objectionable behaviour is 'profitable' to know, in the sense that it shows how wretched and inhuman I or you become: when we act as such, by unkind word. Ouch. I think your Grandpa and Grandma are fortunate that you are not like that guy, indeed; and that you love them despite all, through sickness or health. Bless you....


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