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Re: Adventures with Mocha
Posted By: Howard, on host
Date: Wednesday, December 27, 2000, at 19:54:33
In Reply To: Adventures with Mocha posted by Mocha the Monkeyman's Cat on Wednesday, December 27, 2000, at 15:07:59:

> Mrowr meow purr meow purr hiss hiss meow mrowr meow. Hiss purr meow purr hiss meow purr meow hiss meow mrowr purr meow purr hiss.
> (The following is a translation, humbly performed for Mocha by her daddy.)
> One day last week, my daddy took me out into the Big Bad Place on the Other Side of the Windows. He put me into this weird room which was small and dark... Jay-Suhn came into the room too, and then the room made funny noises and started /moving/. I sat in the back and cried and cried, and a couple of times, Daddy called me and I came and climbed on his lap but it was awful and I wanted to go home and we didn't go home /forever/. When we finally got home, though, I was all happy and I purred and cuddled with Daddy and asked him to promise never to put me in the moving room again. I don't think he heard me, though.
> The next day, Daddy was doing really weird stuff. He was taking a bunch of his things and taking them through the opening into the Big Bad Place on the Other Side of the Windows. (I don't like that place.) I was not too concerned-- He has done this before, and usually leaves me with those other guys (Jay-Suhn and Rye-Uhn) to feed me, but I hadn't see Jay-Suhn or Rye-Uhn for a little while... After a while, he took my litterbox and food. I didn't like that. My litterbox and food have NEVER left the safe place before.
> Shortly after that, Daddy took me back into the Big Bad Place on the Other Side of the Windows and then took me to the moving room again. My litterbox and food and water were there, and I didn't like the idea of what that meant... I was mad, but I was too busy being scared to let him know that...
> The moving room moved FOREVER. At least four times as much forever as the day before. It was dark on the other side of the windows of the moving room, and weird lights kept showing up, some red, some white. Sometimes there were noises with the lights. I cried and cried and cried, but Daddy just kept trying to comfort me and wouldn't stop. He played that stupid "Who's a kitty? Are you a kitty?" game, too. I hate that game. It's so demeaning.
> Eventually, the moving room stopped moving. Daddy coaxed me out of the back (well, he came in and grabbed me and dragged me out, but I like daddy so I won't say that) and took me into another room that wasn't moving. This one was BIG, though. I was very curious, but one of the first things I saw was one of those big monsters-- I think Daddy calls them "Dohgs". This one was VERY big, and scary. It jumped a lot, and made those loud noises Dohgs made whenever I tried to move. I was VERY scared. I pretended I wasn't, but I was. Other people were there, and they were nice to me, and they yelled at the dohg when it made loud noises at me.
> Later, Daddy took me to another place. We had to go down some stairs to get to it. This was another big room, but there were two other cats like me in there. They were all agressive, trying to come over and sniff me, and they kept surrounding me... I HATED them. I kept growling and hissing at them to make them go away, but they wouldn't LISTEN and kept trying to smell me. I had to take swipes at them a few times, but they kept coming back... Eventually, Daddy went to sleep on a weird bed in the big new room, and I was tired and wanted to sleep too, but those other cats were still there and wouldn't leave me alone, so I had to find a good defensible spot and stay awake to fend them off all night.
> This story to be continued by popular demand only...

I hate to have to break this to you. Your cat likes the things you do for him/her. He/she doesn't have any feelings for you one way or the other. They learn who to trust, but trust is not affection. They appear to like or dislike a place. Actually, they judge a place the same way they judge people -- What's in it for me? If a place is safe, warm, and comfortable with food, litterbox, and warm hands available and there are none of the wrong smells, then it's OK.

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