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Re: Hey, Issachar!
Posted By: Stephen, on host
Date: Monday, March 15, 1999, at 14:39:36
In Reply To: Re: Hey, Issachar! posted by Sam on Monday, March 15, 1999, at 07:15:30:

> > I'd sure like to hear from Stephen again, too. If he's ever able to get his AGL project on track and eventually completed, I'll be pretty psyched to play it. His whole game idea was so widely different from mine, I was looking forward to there being two AGL submissions to RinkWorks offering different styles of play.
> I agree; what little he's told me of it looks great. Hope it sees the light of day someday.

Stephen's not here man... Oh, wait. Uhm, hrm. Actually, I was just sitting around not doing homework and read this thread, you guys have enticed me to perhaps start back up on it. I haven't done a thing since my last "status post" some time ago, but I think it's had long enough in my desk drawer...

Oh, Sam: by any chance do you have any of the sample code I sent you? Due to my being an idiot, I lost the (rather small) amount I'd written, though I still have everything I did on paper. I'd be most grateful if you could e-mail me anything you kept of mine :)