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Re: Hey, Issachar!
Posted By: Sam, on host
Date: Monday, March 15, 1999, at 07:15:30
In Reply To: Re: Hey, Issachar! posted by Issachar on Monday, March 15, 1999, at 06:45:25:

> The game takes place over four nights and three days, and keeps track of the progression of time each day...

Wow! Yes, I can understand how much writing there must be with this. It sounds fascinating, however. I think games where the world changes as time goes on are fascinating; that was something I didn't like about Fantasy Quest -- wherever you go, it's usually like it was the last time you were there. Game of the Ages will be more changing in that respect, but it sounds like you've got me beat several times over.

It also sounds like testing the thing is going to be a royal pain in the neck. But I'll help you with that, though.

> I'd sure like to hear from Stephen again, too. If he's ever able to get his AGL project on track and eventually completed, I'll be pretty psyched to play it. His whole game idea was so widely different from mine, I was looking forward to there being two AGL submissions to RinkWorks offering different styles of play.

I agree; what little he's told me of it looks great. Hope it sees the light of day someday.

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