Re: two rough days
Howard, on host
Wednesday, May 10, 2000, at 07:15:28
Re: two rough days posted by Faux Pas on Wednesday, May 10, 2000, at 06:49:29:
> > Tuesday 7:30 am, go to hospital for "Upper GI." That's the one where they run a tube down your throat and check out your stomach and the upper end of you small intestines. Not to bad -- I slept through it. Results look good, but they took me off coffee and chocolate for two months and no Mexican or Italian food. > > Dear Lord! No Italian food? I'd never survive.... > > I called with my grandmother a few days ago. We were talking about any big plans she had for Mother's Day. She mentions she's going in (today I think) to get her esophagus stretched. It was something incredibly causual: "We've had a pretty tough heat wave in the area. I think it's going to rain tonight. Oh, and on Wednesday I'm getting my esophagus stretched." > > She's an odd one. > > -Faux "tubes and whatnot" Pas
It doesn't sound like much fun, but maybe she'll be as lucky as I was. I didn't even have a scratchy throat. However, I am still a little woozy 24 hours later. Howard