Re: two rough days
Faux Pas, on host
Wednesday, May 10, 2000, at 06:49:29
two rough days posted by Howard on Tuesday, May 9, 2000, at 17:56:34:
> Tuesday 7:30 am, go to hospital for "Upper GI." That's the one where they run a tube down your throat and check out your stomach and the upper end of you small intestines. Not to bad -- I slept through it. Results look good, but they took me off coffee and chocolate for two months and no Mexican or Italian food.
Dear Lord! No Italian food? I'd never survive....
I called with my grandmother a few days ago. We were talking about any big plans she had for Mother's Day. She mentions she's going in (today I think) to get her esophagus stretched. It was something incredibly causual: "We've had a pretty tough heat wave in the area. I think it's going to rain tonight. Oh, and on Wednesday I'm getting my esophagus stretched."
She's an odd one.
-Faux "tubes and whatnot" Pas