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Re: Quote of the day?
Posted By: Mel, on host
Date: Thursday, February 10, 2000, at 17:30:55
In Reply To: Quote of the day? posted by Ydobon on Wednesday, February 9, 2000, at 21:25:13:

> "I am not familiar with AOL's values, yet I do have the perception that AOL is strongly oriented toward customer service. How else could this online provider grow so rapidly?"
> - A letter to Time Magazine, on the AOL/Time Warner merger...

"Some of you have questioned whether I graduated from first grade for holding my beliefs about the year 2000, I can I assure you I have. Now, about this argument over when the millenium really begins, I have this to say. As you all know, AD stands for After Death."-Part of a letter to the editor from a very confused man.
M"good ol' Letters to the Editor"el

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