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Re: Creationism vs Evolution
Posted By: Balanthalus, on host
Date: Tuesday, December 7, 1999, at 17:27:42
In Reply To: Re: Creationism vs Evolution posted by Mel on Tuesday, December 7, 1999, at 17:18:42:

> First off, Genesis did not come from folk-lore, it was written by Moses, who in turn heard it from the Man Himself. Also, most of the new testament at least was written down soon after the actual events took place, and was told by people who experienced these things first hand.

> So what about interpretation and translation? Well obviously there has been translation, but there is pretty strong evidence that it's meaning hasn't been altered. (Revelations 22:18-19 probably had something to with that)

Um, exactly what evidence do you have for those statements (especially the first paragraph)?

Bal "Never heard it said that Moses wrote Genesis before" anthalus

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