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woah woah. . you're making a false assumption here as well. . .
Posted By: Brandon, on host
Date: Tuesday, December 7, 1999, at 14:47:38
In Reply To: Re: Creationism vs Evolution posted by Dr. Morris Cecil Glalet, Th.D. on Tuesday, December 7, 1999, at 12:36:55:

Creationists have done just the opposite: prepared ahead of time, known their material, and shown scientific evidence that supports, suggests, or can go along with their beliefs.

Perhaps you approach it differently from the non-zealot, non-"everyone's going straight to hell" of the upper midwest, but even the most intelligently formed creationist arguments have had one major flaw, that being reliance on the bible. The bible has NO PROOF of anything whatsoever. It doesn't prove that there is a god, it doesn't prove that Jesus Christ was the son of that god, and it certainly has NO scientific proof of creationism.

The bible was written by humans, not God. The humans that wrote it CLAIMED to have talked to god. There is NO PROOF (the caps are for emphasis, not shouting - -i dunno how to bold on here) whatsoever that these people actually talked to God.

Now, I'm not saying that that makes the bible stupid, but I'm saying that the entire bible relies on its readers to take what it says on faith. While this is fine for theologists who have faith, this is not fine for scientific validity.

The end result is that science can never prove that there is a god (after all, the only true way for god to prove his existance is to come down and say hi, and we've all seen what happens to people claiming to be god -- - nuthouse).

That being said, evolution happened. We watch it happen within the space of a few years in the case of a species of moth in England -- - The species are born either white or black. Before industrialization, the white moths blended into trees better, thus survived to pass their genes on. Once industrialization hit, things turned black from the soot, and the black moths quickly began to outnumber the white ones. That's evolution right there- - survival of the fittest. Anyone who can look at the hard data in the form of firsthand observation, and in the form of fossil evidence, and not acknowledge that evolution has and is occurring, is not much different from someone belonging to the Flat Earth Society.

That said, evolution does NOT preclude the existance of god or gods. SOMETHING had to create all this, whether that something simply blew up a ball of matter in the big bang and watched from there, or that something has been dipping its hand into the workings of the universe since.

The idea that the two are mutually exclusive is absurd.

Creationism should NOT, repeat NOT be taught as truth in public school. Why? Creationism is religious, plain and simple. Religion has no place in public schools whatsoever. That's one of the basic principles of the constitution.

OK, i'm done ;)

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