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Re: woah woah. . you're making a false assumption here as well. . .
Posted By: Dr. Morris Cecil Glalet, Th.D., on host
Date: Tuesday, December 7, 1999, at 20:14:30
In Reply To: Re: woah woah. . you're making a false assumption here as well. . . posted by Spider-Boy on Tuesday, December 7, 1999, at 16:39:59:

> > No. What I meant was that when Creationists I know get into debates, most of the time they don't even MENTION the Bible, because the people they debate with don't believe in the Bible and make the same points you make and it ends up a bilbical accuracy debate.
> It doesn't matter weather they mention the Bible or not, the baises of Creationism in the book of Genisis. Even is a Evolutionist doesn't mention Darwin the fact remains that Evolution Theory is baised his findings.

No, it is not THE basis for Creationism. Creationism is the belief that a higher being created the Earth and all that is on it. This view shows up in a lot of non-Judeochristian beliefs. By the way, the Evolutionary Theory is not based solely in his findings, just a part of it is. It is based in many scientists' findings.

> Why couldn't God have taken a primitive singel cell animal, and by steering the process of Evolution, create a human like animal that He would then breath a soul into, creating a true Human. I talked to a Father about this once and he said the Vaticant agreed that this was not a heretical or blasphemous theory and an acceptable reading of Genisis.

I supposed he could. I never really thought of that. I was talking about the thing from the Big Bang theory and the stuff about the evolution of mankind from single-celled organisms where it says that it just all happened by accident.

> Well, then lets teach the origin myths of EVERY OTHER RELIGION IN THE WORLD. So as not to show prefrence to one belife system. If only the Christian version is taught it will send the message that the goverment favors Christianity over, say, Hinduisim, Buddhims, Native American beliefs, etc.

I know! You are saying what I was trying to say and then making it sound like this was the complete opposite of what I was saying. I said
that we should teach the Judeochristian view, the Evolutionist view, AND MANY OTHERS.

-Dr. Morris Cecil "Why do people skip over the part of the sentence where I agree with them?" Glalet, Th.D.
Tue 7 Dec A.D. 1999