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Re: Iraq
Posted By: Sam, on host
Date: Tuesday, December 22, 1998, at 17:51:55
In Reply To: Re: Iraq posted by Jessica or GreenJeanz on Tuesday, December 22, 1998, at 15:58:44:

> > The kicker of it all is that he's never going to get booted out of office. This is a partisan attack, and the Republicans control 55%, not 67%, of the Senate. That's the whole ridiculous thing. It's like Captain Ahab, abandoning all sense and sanity to kill the white whale, knowing full well in advance he couldn't possibly succeed.
> He probably won't get kicked out of office. But there is no reason not to try to get rid of the sorry sucker.
> If the founders of this country had the attitude of "I won't even try becuase the odds are against me", we would not be here today.

If the founders of this country had the attitude "Let's boot people we don't like out of office," as you seem to have adopted, we wouldn't be here today either. The issue of odds is entirely beside the point. My point was that the Republicans are doing this NOT out of some noble attempt at justice (don't even fool yourself into thinking it is) but rather out of a power grab -- yet it's a power grab they know they can't win.

If it were a noble cause, go for it. This isn't. Even if Clinton *should* be impeached, the efforts of the Republican party to impeach him are NOT motivated out of justice but out of a party power grab. Just look at who's voting what, and that much is so obvious that it would be foolhardy and blind to think otherwise. (The alternative is to think that ALL Republicans have correct legal judgment and NONE of the Democrats do -- please.)

I've said about all I'm going to in this thread, because I think it's largely fruitless, and it's not really in line with what RinkWorks is all about. But I'll say this much -- so far in this thread, some people have come up with some very good reasons why Clinton shouldn't be impeached (pretty much all from people who DON'T LIKE HIM), and you have come up with essentially none for why he should be. That's because they're aren't any. He didn't compromise our national security. He didn't undermine our system of government. He didn't conspire to commit high treason. So he shouldn't be impeached. Period. As I said before, instead he should be tried in a criminal court and, if convicted, sentenced like anybody else on the planet. I don't know why you insist this is not appropriate. I think you have some grudge against Clinton that, however well-founded it may be, is more emotional at this point than factual, and I think you want to crusade against him and make an example of him. But is that advisable behavior? I don't think so. Learn the facts. Read our constitution. Study why it is important that personal crusades do not take precedence over our system of government. If you find yourself using exclamation marks, excessive capital letters, and thinking no one but you makes sense, then heed the warning flag, step back, and try again.

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