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One more thing
Posted By: Jessica, on host
Date: Wednesday, December 23, 1998, at 11:23:07
In Reply To: Re: Iraq posted by Sam on Tuesday, December 22, 1998, at 20:21:23:

"I agree. But it's even *worse* to take it away from him outside of due course. Think about it. What if you held a position (as anything -- President, mayor, teacher, security guard, whatever), and someone decided you were immoral and shouldn't be where you are. If that person had the power to remove you from your position, it doesn't take a huge imagination to figure out what a nasty world it would be. Chaos and anarchy would run rampant."

Hmmmmm. I never thought about that. You are right to a degree. But you must have limits. He has crossed the line. Obstruction of justice is any tactic that prevents the legal oppostition from viewing, using, or having any knowledge about evidence that could be used against the defendant. That is a serious crime. I am a Libretarian. No, not Liberal. Exactly the opposite.
And if we don't punish him God will.

Jess"Let's just try and forget about this"ica