Re: RinkDreams
Poim, on host
Wednesday, August 23, 2006, at 16:37:34
Re: RinkDreams posted by Lirelyn on Wednesday, August 23, 2006, at 09:56:05:
> > But seriously, I wonder why I can remember the details of a dream all the way through breakfast, but by lunch time I have forgotten everything. > > That's funny... I'm often the opposite. I'll wake up with little or no memory of my dream, but as the day proceeds, little things trigger my memory and it starts to come back. It's always really good, interesting dreams when this happens. > > Often, of course, when I wake up knowing I had a cool dream but unable to remember it, I'll lie in bed and work at it until it comes back. Then I usually don't forget it again. Whichever way it happens, the process of unfolding my memory and suddenly, unexpectedly discovering new bits that I'd forgotten is lots of fun.
See, most of the time when I wake up and think 'that was a cool dream!' I don't remember the half of it and can't remember the rest of it for the life of me. It's not fun, because weird and quirky dreams amuse me to no end and I enjoy hearing about others'.
> > Another dream theme involves recurring dreams. There is one that I had over and over again for about 50 years. It was really simple. When I was in college in the 1950's I had box no.19 at the MTSU post office. So for years, I dreamed that I went back to good old box 19 after taking the summer off and it was so packed with mail, I had to pry it out. There are a few minor variations, but that's pretty much it. >
I used to have recurring dreams when I was a kid. I remember one distinctly; I was in some sort of lame haunted house with two floors- it was designed rather like some Court/Statehouses, with a square 'courtyard' of sorts in the center and its floors rising around it. In my dream, there was a ladder smack dab in the center of the room. I remember distinctly that I had to climb that ladder or else these wolves prowling around would catch me and eat me. But my feet and arms were covered with and dripping with this murky slop that weighed me down and made it really hard to move.
I still remember to this day that everything was in grey tones... the building was grey-brown-green muddish, the ladder was a muted dark brown, and the wolves were just dark grey.
And however scary the dream might seem, I wasn't scared (which was rare at that age, I might add. I was frightened easily.). And I always got up that ladder right in the nick of time.
Po"wow my first in-name tagline!"im