Re: RinkDreams
Lirelyn, on host
Wednesday, August 23, 2006, at 09:56:05
Re: RinkDreams posted by Howard on Monday, August 21, 2006, at 16:02:49:
> But seriously, I wonder why I can remember the details of a dream all the way through breakfast, but by lunch time I have forgotten everything.
That's funny... I'm often the opposite. I'll wake up with little or no memory of my dream, but as the day proceeds, little things trigger my memory and it starts to come back. It's always really good, interesting dreams when this happens.
Often, of course, when I wake up knowing I had a cool dream but unable to remember it, I'll lie in bed and work at it until it comes back. Then I usually don't forget it again. Whichever way it happens, the process of unfolding my memory and suddenly, unexpectedly discovering new bits that I'd forgotten is lots of fun.
> > Another dream theme involves recurring dreams. There is one that I had over and over again for about 50 years. It was really simple. When I was in college in the 1950's I had box no.19 at the MTSU post office. So for years, I dreamed that I went back to good old box 19 after taking the summer off and it was so packed with mail, I had to pry it out. There are a few minor variations, but that's pretty much it.
I don't have recurring dreams exactly. When I was a child I used to have serial dreams that stretched over three or four nights. These were not always so nice... I particularly remember a series of dreams about insects (very anthropoid insects) having their eyes taken out by some dictatorial group. I can still taste the bad feeling it gave me: kind of sick and sad and helpless.
These days I just have themes that recur. The most prominent one is dying fish. I had a pet fish in college, whose well-being I was in a perpetual state of anxiety about. Now I have come to recognize dreams where fish die as symptomatic of anxiety in my life, especially when I feel there's a responsibility I'm letting down. It's cool... not the dreams themselves, but having a confident interpretation of one of my dream-symbols.
As for Poim's dream, all I can say is, I'd go to any book stall Sam and Leen were running. That'd be *sweet.*
Lire"now time to wake up"lyn