Reader Review
Posted by: Shaun
Date Submitted: Saturday, April 24, 1999 at 16:44:20
Date Posted:
Monday, April 26, 1999 at 07:02:01
The movie begins on a dark and stormy night and goes downhill from there. It is about a town that has been turned into zombies by a man who has a crystal that can bring the dead back under his control. This man also hates strangers because some strangers rode into town a long time ago and killed his daughter. For revenge, this guy brought his daughter back to life and has her lure strangers into town so he can kill them. Confused? Well, I think that's ok. It took me a while to figure out that this film is supposed to be a spoof of sorts. The problem is that the humor falls flat, and everybody acts completely childish. Absolutely nothing works. There is also some just plain wierd stuff in here. The opening credits are shown with a group of bikers having fun on the road. Although it is true that these are the people who kill the daughter I told you about in the synopsis, the way it is filmed with them smiling and having fun has nothing to do with the mood of the movie. We also have an unintentionally (at least I think it is unintentionally) hilarious sequence where the resurrected daughter convinces a man to drive her home. The daughter is so obviously crazy it is funny, and yet the man doesn't notice at all. We also have a large number of slow motion parts which are very annoying, run on jokes that go nowhere, a bat which a string can be seen holding in the air, and a character who gets decapitated but his girlfriend never really gets upset. Finally, we also have the most useless line I have ever heard in a movie. After a chase, one of the characters mentions that her ankle hurts. With the camera directly on her and the way she delivered the line, I assumed that this must be significant. Throughout the rest of the movie I kept thinking that something involving her ankle would occur. Nothing did. The line had absolutely no purpose what so ever. I could go on, but I think I've said enough. Good ideas that went down the drain.
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