Reader Review
Cobra Woman
Posted by: joe
Date Submitted: Thursday, October 26, 2000 at 20:46:58
Date Posted:
Thursday, December 14, 2000 at 08:20:02
This Arabian Nights-genre techicolor fantasy seems to have been tailored to show off the beauty of it's star, Maria Montez, who plays twins -- one good, one evil. Unfortunately, Miss Montez cannot act well enough for just one role. Her almost-impenetrable Dominican accent render every line a howler. "Joo are joo? Hai am your seester, can jou look at me and deny hit??" Her old grandmother, however, sounds just like Helen Hayes. (Did she go to Maine for English lessons?) The plot alone is old cabbage. An evil woman rules a small island. She worships the cult of the cobra and offers human sacrifices but only after she gets to do a snaky dance in the temple. A dance double is used, and every time they come in for a close-up, Maria is frozenly posed in the position of the dancer's last movements. Anyway, it seems that evil Maria had a twin sister who, as an infant, was sent to a distant island and does not know that she is really the Queen of another island (she was born several minutes before her evil sister). Eventually she finds out who she really is and what cruelties her sister is perpetuating. She sneaks back to the island and confronts her sister in the boudoir. The evil sister takes a spear from the wall (a charming decorative touch) and, in throwing the spear, steps back and falls backward over the parapet (another charming decorative touch) to her death, leaving the good Maria to rule with love and compassion. The technicolor, costumes, and Maria make this bad movie a visual treat. The cast includes Jon Hall and Lon Chaney, Jr.
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