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Re: New Info for Howard (Re: brain bucket)
Posted By: Howard, on host
Date: Thursday, June 1, 2006, at 11:08:50
In Reply To: New Info for Howard (Re: brain bucket) posted by zK on Thursday, June 1, 2006, at 09:04:43:

> I am an idiot. That's not true at all. Stories are not added for every foot, as I previously indicated, but for every TEN feet. So, if you were speeding at 50 miles per hour, and were to hit something, it would only compare to dropping your car off of a 5-story building.
> The point is, it would still hurt a lot.
> So, if you wanted the equivalent of being dropped off a 50-story building, you'd have to be speeding at 500 mph, rather than just 50.
> -zK

The good news is that it takes more than a calculating error to make you an idiot.

The bad news is that airplanes actually can go 500 miles per hour. And most of us don't wear helmets when flying.

My point about the bicycle helmet is that even a minimal helmet might prevent an injury.

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